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Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties, utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights.

Title: Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties, utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights.
Category: /Social Sciences/Philosophy
Details: Words: 1120 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties, utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights.
Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties, utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights. Deontology and utilitarianism are both types of ethics referring to how one reacts in a certain situation. Deontology is based on following a set of duties and sticking to these duties no matter what the consequences whereas utilitarianism is based on choosing the best outcome over a short term and long term even if it means …showed first 75 words of 1120 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1120 total…often betrays human rights and morals in order to achieve the best consequence to such an extent that betraying these rights may not even be worth it. Also consequences are very difficult to predict and often unforeseen things can happen changing the long term outcome for the worst. So I would have to agree that " Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties and Utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights. "

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