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A Rose for Emily Characterization

Title: A Rose for Emily Characterization
Category: /Literature/English
Details: Words: 416 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
A Rose for Emily Characterization
Characterization refers to the techniques a writer uses to develop characters. In the story A Rose for Emily William Faulkner uses characterization to reveal the character of Miss Emily. He expresses the content of her character through physical description, through her actions, words, and feelings, through a narrator's direct comments about the character's nature, and through the actions, words, and feelings, of other characters. Faulkner best uses characterization to examine the theme of the story, …showed first 75 words of 416 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 416 total…the shocking murder of Homer Baron. Faulkner's use of characterization to describe Miss Emily and her intentions was triumphant in bring the story to life. Miss Emily's pride was expressed through her actions, words, and feelings, through a narrator's direct comments about the character's nature, and through the actions, words, and feelings, of other characters. Miss Emily's story constitutes a warning against the sin of pride: heroic isolation pushed too far ends in homicidal madness.

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