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Causes and Effects of Homework

Title: Causes and Effects of Homework
Category: /Recreation & Sports/Health & Beauty
Details: Words: 576 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Causes and Effects of Homework
Homework is a thing that has been around for many years. While some assignments are big, and some are small, they both have one thing in common: they add a large amount of stress to the student's life. Many things bring on homework: upcoming tests, grades, main ideas that must be learned. These are fair reasons to assign assignments, because they teach you new abilities and let you practice certain skills. With good reasons, there …showed first 75 words of 576 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 576 total…the class of it on Monday, the "I forgot it at home" excuse will no longer be valid. Overall, homework is a necessary evil; it teaches and gives you a headache at the same time. Some teachers should lighten up on the workload, especially math teachers. To sum everything up, a good analogy for homework is like taking prescription medication. A little is good for you, while an overdose can be a serious health risk.

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