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Crucible 6

Title: Crucible 6
Category: /Literature/English
Details: Words: 699 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Crucible 6
The Crucible written by Arthur Miller is a play that deals with the Salem witch trials in the 1690s. The main character, John Proctor, goes through a crucible, or severe test of his own, as the witch trials are taking place. The witch trials occur because a group of girls from Salem accuse some of the townspeople of making pacts with the devil, or becoming witches. These girls were at first charged with being witches …showed first 75 words of 699 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 699 total…against authority and dies a man of integrity, a saint to all who know him. John Proctor's crucible ends up being a very severe test. A test that takes his life. John Proctor goes through this test and comes out on top in his eyes and in the eyes of his wife. He takes a stand against the authority of the court and becomes an individual against society. He ends up a dying a saint.

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