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History of singing styles

Title: History of singing styles
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 562 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
History of singing styles
History of singing styles There have been distinct stages in the development of music and particularly singing over the previous hundreds of years. Looking back now we can easily see where certain things interlinked to create a new style or method of singing. From the western side of things, the first significant frame was the operatic movement. This began in the early 1600's with the first ever Opera 1602. It was called Orpheo and was written …showed first 75 words of 562 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 562 total…and B, Pop, Rap etc all emerging. There is now acceptance of new sounds like an untrained voice singing harshly with Jimmy Barnes being a prime example of this. Music and Singing fashions with what's hot changes each year and it can all be traced back to opera in the 17th century and the black slaves bringing their music to the other side of the world. We have all benefited by this in some way.

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