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Painting Nude Figure By Pabblo Picasso

Title: Painting Nude Figure By Pabblo Picasso
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 1801 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Painting Nude Figure By Pabblo Picasso
Nude Figure By: Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881. Pablo was the son of a respected art teacher, and due to his father's influence, young Pablo entered the Academy at Barcelona at age 14. This was where he painted his first great work, "Girl with Bare Feet". After two years of schooling, Picasso transferred for even for advanced tutelage. This did not hold Picasso's interest, so instead he spent much of his time …showed first 75 words of 1801 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1801 total…ugins, France at age 92. No one could say that Pablo Picasso was not a creative individual. He progressed through various periods - including a Blue period from 1900 to 1904 and a Rose period in 1904 - before creating the Cubist movement that lasted until the beginning of the First World War. One look at the life he lived and it is easily seen what a genius he was and perhaps the most renowned artist of all time.

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