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Sentence Disparity Within the Courts.

Title: Sentence Disparity Within the Courts.
Category: /Law & Government/Law Issues
Details: Words: 1958 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Sentence Disparity Within the Courts.
What is sentence disparity? This term means that the judge does not hand out the same sentence, or the terms of the sentence, when convicting criminals who commit the same crimes. There are numerous factors that assist the judge when they administer a sentence to the offender. Some of these factors include mitigating factors, aggravating factors, and similar cases to the one's that the judge is currently presiding over. "There is an apparent disparity in …showed first 75 words of 1958 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1958 total…Inc., Aurora, ON. Vol. 102, 1996. (Shropshire case) Canadian Criminal Cases. Third series. Canadian Law Book Inc., Aurora, ON. Vol. 128, 1998. (Dean case) Criminal Reports. Fifth series. Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing. Thomson Canada Ltd., Scarborough, ON. Vol. 16, 1998. (Cruz case) Government of Canada. The Criminal Law in Canadian Society. Ottawa, August 1982. Nova Scotia Reports. Second series. Maritime Law Book Ltd., Fredericton, NB. Vol. 146, 1996. (Degenhardt case) Nova Scotia Reports. Second series. Maritime Law Book Ltd., Fredericton, NB. Vol. 160, 1997. (Williams case)

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