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Streetcar Named Desire

Title: Streetcar Named Desire
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 805 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Streetcar Named Desire
Streetcar Named Desire In the play, Streetcar Named Desire, the author shows two different characters, who try to conceal from their true needs through hiding and fantasizing about their own way of desire. Particularly, Stella DuBois Kowalskis, who is in the middle of every conflict in the play, is doomed from using temporary solution. She was the one who abandoned her own sister, her own family behind to escape the "tradition". Only in Stanley's society, …showed first 75 words of 805 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 805 total…about Stanley's real side, and truth about Blanche being rape by him. However, she is going to blame everything on herself and destroy her paradise. She is never going to be the same with Stanley or Blanche. She is going to have different view towards the society that she was suck in by Stanley. Eventually, she will wait traditionally like Blanche for a knight to rescue her from an wild animal, away from dark interior.

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