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The Global Influence of the Cable News Network - Why CNN is a biased news network.

Title: The Global Influence of the Cable News Network - Why CNN is a biased news network.
Category: /Social Sciences/Communication Studies
Details: Words: 439 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
The Global Influence of the Cable News Network - Why CNN is a biased news network.
CNN can be viewed in over 100 countries worldwide. The networks' global influence is absurd. In the past 15 years, it has created in easy way to keep up to date about the world's news. However, this positive virtue has become a negative one. The network posts untrue and/or biased information about issues in Israel, and presidential and senatorial elections. Those two points alone have manipulated the minds of CNN's uninformed viewers. Senator Larry Craig (Idaho) …showed first 75 words of 439 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 439 total…has proved that they indeed to "slant" towards the democratic party. Those above examples prove that CNN no longer wants to use their influence as a way to give people a good, reliable source of news. And if you still don't believe me... CNN own employee's admit that "they did not care if they got their reporting accurate. They only wanted to get it on the air first and in the most dramatic manner possible."

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