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The Technique of Role Playing

Title: The Technique of Role Playing
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 514 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
The Technique of Role Playing
Philosophy in Practice One of the techniques used most often by theatre high school teachers is role-playing. The reasons that this technique is often used are numerous. When students read a text silently some of the nuance contained in the meaning can be lost. This is particularly true when dealing with a play, or anything containing multiple characters. Reading the piece aloud can help them to understand the connotation as well as the denotation. In …showed first 75 words of 514 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 514 total…working together in-groups within a democratic setting. Theatre is a wonderful example of what can be achieved through a group effort. This type of understanding and open guidance in necessary for the project to go smoothly. This type of exercise also requires the idealist notion of the mind. This exercise works best under these conditions. It can be performed using greater strictness but I feel that students would not benefit as much from the experience.

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