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Theatre review Three Tall Women

Title: Theatre review Three Tall Women
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 589 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Theatre review Three Tall Women
Edward Albee's Three Tall Women, portrays the life of a woman (A) who overcomes numerous hardships. The entire play is set in the woman's bedroom and the time is the present. The cast of only five, two of which have no lines, perform the play arena style. Upon coming to see this play, I had absolutely no knowledge of the story line or playwright. With the first act, I followed the story easily, understanding the …showed first 75 words of 589 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 589 total…the end. There were no significant changes, I didn't enjoy the performance, and I didn't really like the play itself. The story didn't really relate to me in any aspect. I think that an older person might enjoy the story line better. I would recommend that my grandma or aunt see this play, but I would also recommend that they come to this performance knowing a little bit more about the play than I did.

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